It’s ok to be emotional

It’s ok to be emotional

It’s ok to be emotional

Near the end of todays morning meditation practice, a wave of emotions arose from seemingly nowhere. Suddenly I was swimming in a sea of mental chatter. Insecurities, doubt, feeling less than.

This can happen in meditation, as well as in normal daily life. And there is nothing wrong with this. How one frames the emotions and thoughts is of great importance. Are the immersed in and seemingly at one with? Or are they observing them rise and fall as the phenomena that they are?

In this instance, as they arose and surrounded me like a swarm of bees around a beekeeper taking their honey… I simply sat there with them. Noticed them. Watched and felt what they were saying. I did not accept them as fact, rather a view left over from past. A stain on the tablecloth that could use a little baking soda. A tear dropped from my eye. It wasn’t sadness from the emotional swarm, it was a letting go of old beliefs, stagnant and not serving.

Emotions happen. The more we try to deny them and push them aside, the more we deny ourselves. The more we learn to sit with them, watch them, listen but not accept their words as pure reality… the more we can see ourselves, shift our views and grow beyond them.

Wishing you all good health and great growth. 💕


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